Authoritative training

IT pro training from our brightest thought leaders

Our trainers are field tested and recognized as thought leaders among their peers. They train IT pros with authority on a range of topics.

Our services:​

  • Instructors
  • Demonstrations
  • Training decks
  • Training labs
  • Assessments
  • Event logistics
  • Event logistics
  • Coordination

IT pro training

At the end of any training event, the only metrics that matter are in the evaluations. We’re obsessed with them, and our trainers consistently achieve nearly perfect scores.

Relevant IT pro training icon


We develop training events that are relevant to modern IT pros, skipping the marketing fluff and filler.

Authoritative IT pro training icon


Our trainers are field-tested IT experts who know their subject matter, so they speak with authority.

Affordable IT pro training icon


From one-off sessions to a series of multiday events, we offer a great return on your investment.

IT pro training event snapshots

Select a picture to have a closer look and get a detailed description. See our project portfolio for recent IT pro training projects.

We spend a lot of time creating content for IT pros, but IT pro training is so much more fun because we get to talk to a room full of really smart people. Instant gratification!

—Jerry Honeycutt, Founder